Welcome to the Cosmic Soup Podcast where we talk about everything senior living. The teams at 3rdThird Marketing and Culinary Coach will share business ideas around serving older adults and cover a variety of topics including dining, marketing, operations and more. We'll also interview industry movers and shakers so you can get some different insights and perspectives into issues we all face. Fun and informative, Cosmic Soup will help your community to be successful and innovative.

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Danny Corsun & Scott Daniels
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Cosmic Soup welcomes Danny Corsun, the creator and principal of Culinary Judaics Academy.
Please join Scott Daniels and Cynthia Thurlow as we talk about all things kosher… specifically, how communities can work with their dining teams to create understanding and focus on creativity in kosher dining.
3rdPlus and the Culinary Coach are smitten with Culinary Judaics Academy for the work they are doing to bring new meaning to the principles of Jewish spirituality into the modern world.

Friday Feb 03, 2023
Going to the Birds! Culture Creatures
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023

Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Top 10 Marketing Tips
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Cheers to 2023 and another exciting year of branding, census building and making aging better. Derek and Cynthia recorded their Top Ten Marketing Tips for Senior Living Marketing in 2023. It's short and sweet and intended to help all of you aging services communities to succeed! Mazel tov to the the year!

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Ideas for Innovation
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Innovation and change can be the make-or-break difference between surviving and thriving. And at 3rdPlus, we want all senior living communities to THRIVE and make aging better. In this episode of Cosmic Soup I have an enlightening conversation with Randi Saeter, VP of Health Services here at 3rdPlus and Dave Foltz, 3rdPlus Leadership and Culture Coach. It’s a nice refresher and inspiration for how to get the most out of your talented teams! Enjoy.

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Internalized Ageism with Cynthia and Derek
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Do you know the term “internalized ageism”? Do you know how it impacts sales and marketing, warps the perspectives of your prospects and can make an immense difference in your own longevity? According to gerontology researchers Levy, Kunkel, and Kasl (2002), “Older individuals with more positive self-perceptions of aging lived 7.5 years longer than those with less positive self-perceptions of aging.”
Our 3rdThird Marketing creative director Derek Dujardin and principle at 3rdPlus, Cynthia Thurlow-Cruver, have spent the summer crisscrossing the country speaking at quite a few senior living conferences on the topic of internalized ageism and marketing. We decided it was time to capture what they learned about internalized ageism and highlight key takeaways that every savvy marketer needs to know.

Friday Jun 17, 2022
The Magic of Outdoor Dining with Chef Scott Daniels
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
The outdoor dining season is officially here, and communities across the country are getting their patios and grills ready to offer their residents a taste of summer! There are so many reasons to include outdoor dining options at your community, and joining Mike on the show today to discuss them is Executive Chef and VP of Culinary and Operations Scott Daniels. Hang out with Scott and Mike as they dispel the myths and rumors about expensive and complicated operations and illustrate how easy, inexpensive, beneficial, and fun it is for residents and staff alike. If you don't already have a plan in place to take advantage of the warmer (and dryer) weather, make sure you tune in for some easy to implement ideas!
3rdPlus/Culinary Coach links:
#outdoordining #3rdplus #wemakeagingbetter #seniorliving #3rdthirdmarketing #culinarycoach #cosmicsoup

Friday Feb 25, 2022
F-Tag Friday: F804-807
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
In today's episode of F-Tag Friday, 3rdPlus and Culinary Coach VP of Health Services Randi Saeter discusses four separate F-Tags:
- F804, which covers Nutritive Value, Appearance, Palatability, and Serving Temperature. Common violations of this tag include improper storage and holding that cause flavor and nutrient degradation such as extended periods in steam tables, coolers, and ovens
- F805, which addresses Food Prepared in a Form Designed to Meet Individual Needs, including mechanical and textured diets
- F806, which offers guidance for providing safe care for residents with allergies and intolerances, including appropriate substitutions and offerings
- F807, which outlines regulations on drinks and hydration that are consistent with needs and preferences of residents

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Managing Your Contracted Dining Program
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
In the senior living industry, one of the most hotly debated topics is whether to self-operate your own dining program or to farm out to a food service contractor. Either way, the C-Suite must set clear expectations in order to ensure resident satisfaction and industry compliance.
As a follow-up to last week's episode on managing your own dining department, we brought back 3rd Plus founder/principal Cynthia Thurlow and Culinary Coach Executive Chef/VP of Culinary and Operations Scott Daniels to discuss the ins and outs of contracted dining and how to effectively manage a food operation being run by an outside company.
In this episode, Scott and Cynthia will answer many of the common questions posed to them by clients:
Why should I choose a dining contractor? How do I understand my dining contract? How do I hold contractors accountable? How will the food contractor work with my dining team? How do I get out of my contract if I'm not happy? How much control do I still have over my dining department?
Tune in now for these answers and more!
#seniorliving #dining #culinary #csuite #executiveleadership #contracteddining #givethemgoodfood

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Dining Management and the C-suite
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Dining Management and the C-suite
As a C-suite professional of a senior living community, you may know something needs to change when it comes to dining … but you’re not sure what. You probably didn’t study hospitality management or attend culinary school, so how can you positively affect your community’s dining program?
That’s what this episode is all about. Culinary Coach Executive Chef and VP of Culinary and Operations Scott Daniels teams up with 3rdPlus Founder and Principal Cynthia Thurlow to give a quick primer on how to approach managing your dining program.
We’ll answer questions like: Should we manage our own dining department? How involved should I be in overseeing the dining operation? How often should I review and share financial information with my management team? What effect would my presence in the kitchen or dining room have on the dining team? What kind of leadership should I have in place to run the dining operation?
This excellent conversation is geared toward executive-level managers who are looking to take a more hands-on approach to their community's dining program and set clear and concise expectations with their leadership teams.
#seniorliving #dining #culinary #csuite #executiveleadership #selfoperate #givethemgoodfood

Friday Jan 28, 2022
F-Tag Friday: F803
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
On this episode of F-Tag Friday, 3rd Plus and Culinary Coach VP of Health Services Randi Saeter discusses F803, which states that menus need to Meet Resident Needs, Be Prepared in Advance, and Followed. This includes considering the religious, cultural, and ethnic needs of residents and also states that menus need to be analyzed and updated periodically and in such a way so as not to limit the resident's right to make personal dietary choices.